A total of 33 products
Thermal Module(QuantumRed)QuantumRed QRT40Fever of the human body, animals and plants is monitored in real time and used as an auxiliary means for managing various diseases.
Thermal Module(QuantumRed)QuantumRed QRT100Provides rapid and precise thermal image and temperature data up to 100℃ for processes, facilities, and building structures in various industrial fields
Quantum EyeQuantumEye VAMIO 10KPremium All-in-one Thermal imaging Camera
Defense ProductSights For Small Arms(Light Machine Gun or 7.62mm Machine Gun)Sight sections integrating day and night sight functions, Quick aiming by using red dot sight
Defense ProductTOD(TAS-815K) (Thermal Observation Device)Day and night long distance target detection and acquisition
Remote control and management vis wired and wireless military networks
Stand-alone observation and vehicle-mounted operation in the mission area
High resolution images are provided and observed images can be stored
Observation range : 360 x N, +/-60 degrees -
Defense ProductMFOD(Multi-Function Observation Device)Day and night observation and target location information acquisition and transmission.
All-in-one multifunctioning device.
Minimum size and weight and low power consumption features ideal for various operation environment. -
Defense ProductIRST for Naval PlatformIRST for Naval Platform (Infrared Search and Track)
Defense ProductK2 Tank Sights
Defense ProductK2 DTPK2 Driver’s Thermal Periscope
Defense ProductKF-21 IRST(Infra-Red Search and Track)KF-21 IRST
(Infrared Search and Track) -
Defense ProductKF-21 EO TGPKF-21 EO TGP
(Electro-Optical Targeting Pod) -
Quantum EyeQuantum Eye MPDCHigh-precision dual imaging camera equipped with QuantumRed thermal imaging module and Full-HD real camera
Automotive Night Vision SystemObjects Classification ECUClassification of various objects from real time images into Pedestrians/Vehicles/Animals etc. automatically while driving